About the Location

Papa’s Place is the definition of a small business. And the type of place I really enjoy visiting to get a feel for what Costa Rica is “really” like. Papa’s Place is located in the backyard of owners Gerald and Priscila. Adjacent to Cerro Chato (Arenal Volcano National Park), there’s plenty of potential for uncommon birds to arrive at the feeders. It’s also a great spot for observing (and photographing) amphibians, reptiles, and bats.

And while you’re there, Priscila is a fantastic chef and makes great Costa Rican food. You can coordinate a photography (birds, multiflash – bats, or macro – amphibians and reptiles) visit directly with them by emailing info@papasplacecr.com or messaging Gerald on Whatsapp at +506 8843 7101.

Why I Recommend It

Of course, I always like supporting small businesses that offer authentic experiences. On top of that, and unlike pretty anywhere in the Fortuna area, the feeders here are designed specifically for bird photography. The area is set up in a way that everything feels natural. Birds are drawn in not only by fruit but also by plenty of native plant species that will naturally attract them. This means that beyond the common feeder birds, you can often also see rarities like the Rufous-winged Tanager or a White-tipped Sicklebill feeding on some endemic heliconia flowers below the feeder.

The Main Feeder Area

Birdwatching & Photography Highlights

You can find some good species here around the feeder but this is primarily a spot for photographers. Keep an eye out for the White-tipped Sicklebill at the heliconia flowers and ask Gerald what rarities have been showing up lately. I was able to get some good shots of a Northern-barred Woodcreeper on a recent visit as it was nesting nearby.


Baltimore Oriole

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